Saturday, November 30, 2013

KLSE.8k's Idea to achieve Financial Freedom by Stock Market Investment: A Review - Xaivier Chia

29 November 2013
KLSE.8K (a.k.a. 8K) is an experienced and famous investor in Malaysia. Based on 8K's insight, having one million assets in our life is achievable. Firstly, we need to understand the power of compounding.

The Power of Compounding

If your initial capital is RM10,000.00 and your target is RM1,000,000.00, all you need to do is to find 7 undervalued businesses that provide at least 100% potential profits as follows:
0: RM   10,000
1: RM   20,000
2: RM   40,000
3: RM   80,000
4: RM  160,000
5: RM  320,000
6: RM  640,000
7: RM1,280,000
Apparently, this target is achievable.

Time is Money

However, the problem is - how long should we take to achieve 100% return in one business. This really depends on the ability of your investment as follows: 
Return of Investment rate:   5% -> time taken to achieve 100% capital appreciation: 14 years
Return of Investment rate: 10% -> time taken to achieve 100% capital appreciation:  7 years
Return of Investment rate: 15% -> time taken to achieve 100% capital appreciation:  5 years
Return of Investment rate: 20% -> time taken to achieve 100% capital appreciation:  4 years
Return of Investment rate: 25% -> time taken to achieve 100% capital appreciation:  3 years
Personally, I think the average return of investment rate of 10~15% is achievable by people who are seriously do their homework.  

Capital + Time + Compound

With the return rate of 10%, it will take 7 years to achieve 100% capital appreciation. Then, in order to achieve RM one million from RM10,000, it will take 49 years! It appears that 49 years is a quite long period of time. Well, there are two ways to address this concern:

1. To increase the initial capital to RM100,000.

Then it only takes 24.5 years (7 multiply by ~3.5 years) to achieve RM1,000,000.


2. To start as earlier as possible

If we started with an initial capital of RM10,000 for investment from your 10 years old, then we would have RM one million when we were 59 years old.

3. To improve the capability of investment

If we improved our capability of investment to the average of 15%, then we would speed-up our return to achieve the target within 35 years.

To Control What is Controllable

However, only the amount of capital and the capability of investment are what we can control.

To increase the amount of capital

We need to have a strong Will-power (for more information, please find Green Lantern) plus discipline to save our initial capital.

To increase the ability of investment

We need to constantly and never ending learn and practise investment from time to time.
That's all for today. I hope this sharing inspires you to getting started to learn to be smart consumers (to avoid unnecessary spending) and intelligent investors, and eventually, achieve financial freedom. More fascinating articles and sharing will be updated weekly in Xaivier Blog. So, you are welcome to subscribe our feed to receive our latest sharing.
Written by: Xaivier Chia

P/S: The above sharing is solely based on personal insight and information that believed to be reliable. Your valuable feedback are very welcome.


Friday, November 29, 2013

受惠GST 世纪软件净利料提升










「公司明年较大的海外合约项目是菲律宾政府价值约3亿令吉的政府财务系统(Government Financial System),申请书即将呈交,估计半年後会得知结果。」














吉隆坡29日讯)分析员对大马机场(AIRPORT,5014,主板贸服股)竞标麦克坦-宿雾国际机场(Mactan-Cebu International Airport,简称MCIA)项目的消息并不感到意外,而且还持正面看法。




大马机场昨日公布,与第一菲律宾控股(First Philippine Holdings Corporation,简称FPH)签署备忘录(MoU),组成第一菲律宾机场财团,竞标MCIA项目











强势新元引关注 云顶 云顶大马双双下跌

吉隆坡29日讯)在强势新元的阴霾笼罩下,云顶(GENTING,3182,主板贸服股)和云顶大马(GENM,4715,主板贸服股)非但无法因亮丽的 盈利成长表现而取得股价涨势,周五反而双双走跌,前者大跌14仙或1.4%,报10.22令吉,成为全场第8大下跌股。 至于云顶大马,则下跌4仙或0.9%,报4.24令吉。















Sunday, November 24, 2013

隆市估价上调推高开销 料冲击产托业获利

 财经周刊《The Edge》报导指尝试联络吉隆坡市政局获取详情,但不得其门而入。

What Are Owner Earnings?

How much profit does a company make? This may seem like a simple question but in reality is chock-full of nuance. There's the net income which shows up on a company's income statement - this is the number that most people focus on. The big problem with net income is that it is by definition an accounting number. Capital expenditures made by a company are depreciated over many years, so a company could be hemorrhaging money with net income largely unaffected. Also, non-cash charges, such as write-offs, are deducted from net income. These don't affect the amount of cash a company generates but reduce the "earnings" none the less.
A better option is looking at the free cash flow. Free cash flow is a measure of the actual cash generated by a company. Free cash flow is convenient to use because it shows up directly on the cash flow statement. But there is actually a better option: Owner Earnings. Warren Buffet, famed value investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, defined owner earnings in his 1985 letter to shareholders.
These represent (a) reported earnings plus (b) depreciation, depletion, amortization, and certain other non-cash charges...less (c) the average annual amount of capitalized expenditures for plant and equipment, etc. that the business requires to fully maintain its long-term competitive position and its unit volume....Our owner-earnings equation does not yield the deceptively precise figures provided by GAAP, since (c) must be a guess - and one sometimes very difficult to make. Despite this problem, we consider the owner earnings figure, not the GAAP figure, to be the relevant item for valuation purposes...All of this points up the absurdity of the 'cash flow' numbers that are often set forth in Wall Street reports. These numbers routinely include (a) plus (b) - but do not subtract (c).Warren Buffet
At first glance this definition of owner earnings appears to be nearly identical to that of free cash flow. However, there are important differences. Owner earnings is the amount of cash which can be pulled out of a company each year if capital expenditures are limited to only maintenance capex - only capital expenditures needed to maintain the current business. The amount of capital expenditure listed on the cash flow statement is the total, comprised of both maintenance capital expenditures and growth capital expenditures. Furthermore, this maintenance capex should be averaged over a few years to smooth out the result.
Another difference between free cash flow and owner earnings is that free cash flow includes changes in working capital. In general, working capital fluctuates from year to year, and these fluctuations clearly should not be counted. They would have the effect of unduly inflating or depressing the picture of profitability. Only necessary changes in working capital needed to maintain the business should included in the calculation of owner earnings, so they can usually be ignored. The formula for owner earnings is as follows:

Owner Earnings =

Net Income

+ Depreciation, amortization, etc.

+ Non-cash charges (not related to working capital)

+ Interest payments adjusted for taxes

- Average maintenance capital expenditures

Permanent changes in working capital

It's important to remember what owner earnings represent: it is the average amount of cash which can be pulled out of a business after all expenditures necessary to maintain the business and the current unit volume. I've added interest payments since I want to calculate the profit I would be able to pull out each year assuming I bought the company outright and paid off all outstanding debt.
Owner earnings allows you to value a company based on its current profitability. However, maintenance capex is not a generally available number and is often difficult to determine. Using the total capital expenditure will most likely underestimate the profitability of the company.
If you use owner earnings in a discounted cash flow calculation, you must be careful. If only maintenance capex is subtracted then projecting growth faster than inflation doesn't make any sense since the growth isn't being paid for. If you project real growth after inflation, you must use the total average capital expenditures.

面对一大堆的理财资讯而束手无策?简单3步骤让你得心应手!- 红枫

网路的诞生让资讯无限成长是不可避免的趋势,相对来说知识取得成本也愈来愈便宜,只要懂得从中「断舍离」自己想要资讯的人,无形中成长的速度都会比较快一 些。像我现在吸收理财资讯的来源,中英文加起来就超过100个,跟我当初学理财时每周看几本杂志,每月看一丶两本书完全不同。只是那麽多的来源,要如何在 有限时间找出对我有帮助的资讯呢?我想这也是很多朋友共通的问题。
答案就是善用工具。我个人目前常用的工具是 Feedly丶Evernote丶Facebook,稍後我会详细把实际作法拆解出来,在开始前要先告诉你整个系统的核心观念:
人类脑袋能处理的资源有限,如果你花愈多时间在寻找资料,就压缩愈多吸收知识的空间。但大部份寻找资料的过程都是重复的,比如富朋友每周都会更新文章,如 果你每次都得经过 Google 搜寻才来到部落格,那就太浪费你的时间。同理,如果你想要吸收的资讯来源超过十个,那每天光是这样做就耗掉不少时间,更别说在下班後疲累状态做这些事。所以第一点要做到的就是:让资讯自动出现在你面前。
第二点是高效率的关键,但也最花脑力,所以必须将脑袋CPU留到这里运转,不然超频时就会放弃了。好比我的核心投资是股票,所以几乎跟股票相关的资讯对我 都是「现在需要」,如果遇到跟股票较不相关的资讯但我未来可能会用到的,就会先放进「未来需要」区,日後再回头来阅读。
有句话是「你的时间在哪里,成就就在哪里。」区分现在与未来需要就能帮我达成,可以让我更专心的聚焦在有用资讯上,但又不会烦恼漏接其他资讯。刚开始学习 理财最怕的就是什麽赚钱机会都想尝试,此时不少人就会顾此失彼,本来在学股票,过阵子看到房地产好赚又去学房地产,不然就是学外汇丶学创业……,结果都是 在原地踏步。反倒是坚持走原本设定好学习路的人,几过数年因为持续钻研而有所成。当然你也可以在当下选择改走其他路,但一定要将资源放在「现在最需要」的 地方,然後坚持下去。
3 步骤用工具完成搜集.处理.吸收
用 Feedly 收集 RSS
现在的网站几乎都有提供 RSS 订阅,而我会将长期追踪网站的 RSS 透过 Feedly 来「通知」我,这样就不用花时间去查看最新文章,只要被动地等新文章出现在我面前。只是通常我较少在 Feedly 上阅读文章,我只会用 Evernote 把它们收集起来。在 Feedly 上最主要就是能透过标题快速抓取我要的新资讯。(注:如果你的量不多,用Email 订阅电子报也很方便)
用 Evernote 将资讯暂收起来待阅读
Evernote 有个功能就是滑鼠右键一按就将网页资讯收集起来,所以我都透过它帮我把「待处理」资讯先收起来。只要是我在网路上看到任何感兴趣的资讯(包括从 Feedly 收集及 Facebook 的动态消息),不阅读先收进待处理区先。(如果你尚未用过Evernote,目前有赠送新会员1个月专业版活动,透过此推荐连结注册就可以取得)
用 Facebok 专页追踪即刻消息
如果来源会在脸书上提供及时短资讯,比如富朋友不定期就会在脸书上分享个人理财短心得,像这类的我就会加入脸书专页(按赞),这样我就能在FB上第一时间 追踪对方大小事。同样如果遇到感兴趣的资讯,我也会再用 Evernote 收到待处理区里。(如果你还没加入我的脸书,现在就是好时机)
每经过一丶两天,在我的 Evernote 待处理区里就会有许多对我可能有帮助的资讯,但不见得真的需要用到,所以这时我经由三个原则「不需要」「现在需要」「未来需要」去过滤资讯,目标是将待处理区的暂存资讯都清空掉,这样日後再装新资讯时就不会感觉满出来。
不需要的资讯当然就是直接删除。步骤 2 关键是怎麽处理现在与未来需要资讯,这时我就会用Evernote 的功能直接开启两个资料夹,一个叫「待阅读」放入现在需要的资讯,另一个叫「资料库」放入未来需要的资讯,然後透过设定标签方式做初步分类,日後回顾时就 比较快。
来到这步骤,大量的网路资讯已经被过滤成要尽快吸收的有用知识,而你的诉求就是安排时间把待阅读区里的资讯阅读完,并且透过做笔记帮助大脑吸收。随着你对 某个领域的知识吸收愈多,你整理的速度也就愈快,或是有些资讯你只需阅读当作复习而已,到时如果还有时间想跨到不同领域学习时,就再从之前搜集的「资料 库」里找出你需要的资料就好。
以上就是我每天固定吸收理财资讯的方式,透过搜集丶处理丶吸收三个步骤,一点一滴帮自己建立理财知识。如果说我在投资理财上能有今天还算满意的成绩,长久 接触理财资讯是一大关键。目前对我来说,Evernote 是搜集资讯最方便的工具,平时如果脑中有闪过想分享的文章题材,我也会立即透过 Evernote 来记录(手机丶PC丶iPad三者同步),电脑玩物的站长就将Evernote视为第二个脑袋,这点我觉得形容的非常恰当。
Source: leinvest



1. 流行風險


2. 永久衰退風險

因此當碰上衰退時機,分辨出企業是暫時性或 永久性衰退是 決定成敗的重要因素!
永久性衰退對 長期投資人來說非常危險,尤其是看到產業結構大幅變動,快逃!
反之,暫時性衰退的當下 殖利率看似下降,也造成股價驟跌,
但長期而言,企業獲利能力若能 恢復從前水準,

3. 配息來源


Saturday, November 23, 2013
















同 时,按2014财政年的14.5倍本益比,将该公司的目标价从5.32令吉,下修2.4%,至5.19令吉;但分析员依然维持该股「买进」投资评级,因为 预计发马将获得数项潜在正面因素的支撑,包括将扩充印尼与中东的制药业务丶来自欧盟的潜在合约丶私人领域的商机丶以及每个季度稳定的股息派发。

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

达卡经营医院受看好 柔医药保健应声涨






















东南亚买家 抢伦敦预售屋


Land证券住宅主管艾薛尔比(Tom Eshelby)在新加坡接受访问时指出,来自东南亚的买主中,新加坡占了1/3,香港占了另1/3,马来西亚和泰国合计占最後1/3。





Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Westports Holdings - Call At This Port

Via  Westports,  investors  can  participate  in  South-East  Asia’s accelerating  trading  activities.  With  core  net  profit  potentially expanding  at  a  CAGR  of  4.6%  over  FY12-15F,  the  port  operator  is deemed  as  a  cash  cow  that  will  deliver  an  average  annual  FCF  of MYR484m  over  FY14F-18F.  We  initiate  coverage  on  the  stock  with  a BUY. Our DCF-based FV of MYR2.84 is premised on a 7.12% WACC.
  • A leader in  Port Klang. Wesports  offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the heightening trade activities in South-East Asia (SEA).The port’s strategic  location allows the company to  capitalize on  strong trade  growth in SEA. Drewry  Research  expects container throughput in SEA to grow 6.0% annually over FY12-15 vs global troughput’s 5.5%.
  • The P3 alliance.  The P3 alliance is a collaboration between three of the biggest  container  liner  companies,  of  whom  one  is  CMA  CGM, Westports’  biggest  customer.  The  alliance  may  be  a  key  risk  for Westports  as  transhipment  boxes  could  be  diverted  to  PTP,  the alliance’s  transhipment  hub.  We  understand  that  CMA  CGM  has committed  an  annual  capacity  of  600k  twenty-foot  equivalent  units (TEUs) to the P3 alliance. We are of the view that out of this, 400k TEUs will be diverted  annually  from Westports and the remaining 200k TEUs from other transshipment hubs. We estimate tha t volume loss from this alliance may make up 2-5% of total volume.
  • Core  net  profit  growth  of  4.6%  over  FY12-15F.  We  forecast FY13F/14F/15F  core  earnings  at  MYR456m/474m/478m  respectively, buoyed  by  higher  container  throughput  –  which  would  result  in economies of scale  -  and margin expansion. This will imply a 4.6% core net profit CAGR over FY12-15F. The potential revision of the upper band in container tariffs would be a key catalyst to earnings.
  • Initiate  coverage  with  a  BUY.  Our  DCF-based  FV  for  Westports  of MYR2.84  is  premised at a 7.12% WACC. As the company is capable of generating  an  average  annual  FCF  of  MYR484m  for  FY13F-15F,  it  is able  to  commit  to  a  75%  dividend  payout  policy,  which  translates  to yields of 4.1% for FY14F-15F. Our FV of MYR2.84 implies a FY14 P/E of 23x  and EV/EBITDA of  14.2x.  Westports has the highest dividend yield of 4.1% among Malaysian port operators. 
Executive Summary
Leading port operator at Port Klang. Westports, one of the leading port operators along the Straits of Malacca, offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the growing  pace  of  trade  activities  in  SEA.  It is one of  the  two  port  operators at  Port Klang besides Northport,  a Bursa  Malaysia-listed port operator  under the entity NCB Holdings (NCB MK, NEUTRAL, FV: MYR3.50).  Port Klang is one of  the world’s 15 busiest  ports  by  container  throughput,  serving  as  a  key  transhipment  hub  in  the Straits  of  Malacca  and  as  a  main  gateway  for  import/export  cargo  for  Peninsular Malaysia.
Westports’  throughput  growth  outpaces  growth  at  Port  Klang.  Port  Klang  has registered  strong container throughput growth, registering a 8.3% CAGR from 2002 to 2012, in line with the 8.3% global growth projected by Drewry in the same period. Port Klang’s growth was primarily driven by transhipment cargo, which saw a 10.0% CAGR  from  2002  to  2012  versus  5.8%  for  import/export  cargo.  Over  the  same period, Westports managed to grow its container volume at a faster rate of 13.2%, thanks to growth from key customers and high operating efficiency. Overall, its share of container throughput at Port Klang rose from 39% in 2001 to 69% in 2012. Strategic  location  to  benefit  from  higher  trade  activities.  Westports  is  well positioned along the main trade lane in the  Straits of Malacca and is exposed to the Asia-Europe and intra-Asia trade lanes. The port’s strategic location allows Westports to  capture  the  strong  trade  growth  in  South-East  Asia  (SEA).  Drewry  expects container throughput in SEA to grow 6.0% annually over FY12-FY15 versus 5.5% for global throughput.
Efficient  cost  management.  Westports  believes  it  has  one  of  the  highest  port productivity in the world, consistently achieving 35 moves per hour (mph) for vessels longer  than  300  metres.  According  to  Drewry,  Westports achieved  169,271 moves per crane per year in 2011, ahead of other big names in the same trade lane such as PSA and PTP. Westports’ EBITDA margins are also among the highest in the region. Far East and SEA  markets to propel container growth.  The  rise of the emerging economies and the trend in outsourcing production lines have led to improved global trade  flows  across  all  transport  modes.  The  increasing  demand  for  the containerisation of manufacturing products and goods has also expanded across a wider spectrum due to its convenience and cost effectiveness in terms of time and costs. The rising importance of Asia’s economies as global manufacturers of a wide range of products and merchandise  –  thanks to their cheaper cost of production  – has  made  the  Far  East  a  leader  in  container  throughput,  accounting  for approximately 39% of the global container trade share, according to Drewry. Of this
share, China alone accounts for 67% of the traffic from the Far East, or equivalent to 26% of the total global trade in 2011. SEA, meanwhile, accounts for 14% of global container trade  –  a level  that  this  region  has managed to maintain  since  the early 90s. Drewry projects that global container throughput would grow by 5.5% annually from  2012  to  2015,  mostly  driven  by  the  Far  East  and  SEA  markets.  These  two regions  will  contribute  to  the  bulk  of  the  TEU  throughput  when  compared  to  other regions, due to their stronger economic growth prospects.
Straits of Malacca the world’s busiest trade lane. As the Straits of Malacca region - which comprises neighbouring SEA countries ie Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia  -  is at a key crossroad for container liners, it is a favourite port of call for transhipment  activities.  It  is  also  one  of  the  busiest  waterways  in  the  world,  as  an estimated  30%  of  global  goods  and  80%  of  Japan’s  oil  needs  pass  through  the channel,  according  to  the  US  Energy  Information  Administration  (EIA).  With  some 50,000  vessels  plying  this  route  annually,  it  serves  as  the  main  line  for  the Transpacific and Europe-Far East routes, as well as the Intra-Asia and Intra SouthEast  Asia  routes.  According  to  Drewry,  container  volume  in  the  straits  area  has grown at a CAGR of 11% since 1990, outpacing the global CAGR of 9.5%.
Westports’  growing momentum.  Since Westports commenced operations in 1996, container  throughput  (both  gateway  and  transhipments)  has  been  chalking  up  a CAGR of more than 11% according to Drewry. The throughput growth was boosted by  aggressive  efforts  to  ramp  up  capacity  to  meet  its  target  for  high  transhipment volume,  which  currently  accounts  for  72%  of  the  port’s  total  volume.  Westports’ efficient throughput handling, which ranks fairly high in terms of crane productivity, has made the terminal a preferred port of call for transhipment  cargo in the Straits of Malacca.  Its  ability  to  generate  high  transhipment  volume  has  also  allowed  it  to garner  a  bigger  market  share  of  Port  Klang’s  total  throughput  at  69%  (Northport: 31%). As Port Klang is a national load gateway for indigenous trade, this gives liners more incentive to make Westports the preferred port of call. Its efficient throughput handling capability and highly accommodative modern port infrastructure allows  it to support vessels with capacities of up to 18,000 TEUs.
Westports  offers  the  more  flexibility  to  liners.  Although  Northport  is  viewed  as Westports'  closest  competitor,  the  latter  has  an  acclaimed  crane  productivity  track record  in  container  handling,  according  to  Drewry.  However,  Westports  does  not directly  compete  for  volume  with  Northport.  Instead,  its  immediate  competitors  are PTP and PSA. While the latter two are close to Westports'  efficiency  (measured by crane productivity), only the latter can offer customers the benefit of efficient handling capability  coupled  with  its  lower  pricing  per  TEU.  Furthermore,  as  Westports  is situated in Port Klang, this also gives liners an incentive to call at the port, given its higher number of container exchanges per call - from its direct services in addition to transhipment boxes.  However,  as  both  PTP  and  PSA  are expanding  their  terminal capacities moving forward, we cannot ignore the  fact that the race to grow  market share will get more competitive.
P3  alliance  is  a  key  risk.   The  P3  alliance  is  a  collaborative  agreement  between three  of  the  biggest  container  liner  companies:  Maersk,  Mediterranean  Shipping Company  (MSC)  and  CMA  CGM.  CMA  CGM  is  Westports  biggest  customer, accounting for 36% of the latter’s total container throughput handled in FY12. The P3 alliance,  which  is  expected  to  begin  in  June  2014,  could  pose  as  a  key  risk  for Westports,  as  transhipment  boxes  could  be  diverted  to  PTP,  the  alliance’s transhipment  hub.   We  understand  from  management  that  CMA  CGM  contributed about  2.5m  TEUs  to  Westports  in  2012,  of  which  1m  TEUs  could  potentially  be exposed  to  the  P3  routes.  The  P3  service  routing  announced  by  CMA  CGM,  if implemented, will result in a revision of port calls  -  Port Klang’s weekly service calls will  be  reduced  to  six  from  10  out  of  the  26  proposed  for  the  AsiaEurope/Mediterranean  trade  lanes. We have  factored  this  impact  into  our  earnings model, where we expect the number of boxes diverted from Westports to PTP to be as  much  as  200k  TEUs  worth  in  FY14F  and  400k  TEUs  annually  from  FY15F onwards. As  CMA CGM has committed to an annual total capacity of 600k TEUs to P3,  we think our assumption of 400k TEUs being diverted away from Westports is fair. The remaining 200k TEUs will be  lost by other  ports. Other risks include: i) high customer concentration; ii) a lack of cost  flexibility as the majority of port workers are directly  hired;  iii)  a  slowing  global  economy,  which  may  affect  Port  Klang’s throughput, especially for Asia-Europe routes; and iv) intense competition from PSA and PTP.
Solid  throughput  growth.  We  conservatively  expect  Westports  to  achieve  a container  throughput  CAGR  of  4.8%  for  FY12-15F.  This  is  lower  than  Drewry’s projection of 6.0% for SEA for FY12-15F and its historical 8.6% CAGR for FY08-12. We  believe Westports  will  see  slower  volume  growth  in  FY14F  due  to  the  loss  of TEUs  diverted  to  PTP  upon  the  commencement  of  the  upcoming  P3  alliance,  if approved by regulators. We also forecast that revenue from container value-added services to grow at a 12.1% CAGR over FY12-15F as Westports attempts to beef up ancillary income. We expect bulk throughput to grow  at a  6.0% CAGR over FY12-15F.Core net profit CAGR of 4.6% over FY12-15F. We are forecasting FY13F/14F/15F core net earnings at MYR456m/474m/478m respectively, buoyed by higher container throughput (which leads to economies of scale) and margin expansion. This implies a 4.6%  core  net  profit  CAGR  for  FY12-15F.  A  revision  in  the  upper  band  of  the container tariff would  be a major catalyst to  lift earnings. Note that  container tariffs have not been revised over the past three decades.
Initiate coverage with a BUY. We value Westports with a DCF approach to derive a FV  of  MYR2.84,  premised  at  a  7.12%  WACC  (see  valuation  table  overleaf).  The company is committed to a 75% dividend payout policy, which translates   to dividend yields  of 4.1% for FY14-15F.  Our FV of  MYR2.84 implies a FY14 P/E of 22.7x and EV/EBITDA of  14.2x,  which is at a premium to its peer  average of 14.5x and  8.9x respectively. This is justifiable given  its  status as the only listed transhipment port in Asean.  Additonally,  Westports  has  a  high  EBITDA  margin  of  53%  and  has  the highest dividend yield of 4.1% among Malaysia’s listed port operators.
Investment Merits
Leading port operator at Port Klang with a 69% market share Westports,  one  of  the  leading  port  operators  along  the  Straits  of  Malacca,  offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the growing pace of trade activities in SEA.  It  is  one  of  the  two  port  operators  at  Port  Klang  besides  Northport,  also  a Bursa-listed port operator. According  to Drewry, Port Klang as a whole  is among the world’s 15 busiest ports by container throughput, serving as a key transhipment hub in  the  Straits  of  Malacca  and  as  a  main  gateway  for  import/export  cargo  for Peninsular Malaysia.
Westports’  throughput  growth  outpaces  growth  at  Port  Klang.  According  to historical  data  compiled  by  Drewry,  Port  Klang  has  been  experiencing  strong container throughput growth, registering a 8.3% CAGR in 2002-2012. This is in line with the 8.3% global growth projected by Drewry for the same period. Port Klang’s growth was primarily driven by transhipment cargo, which saw a 10.0% CAGR from 2002 to 2012 versus 5.8% for import/export cargo. Over the same period, Westports managed  to  grow  its container  volume  at  a faster  rate  of 13.2%,  thanks  to  growth from key customers and  its  high operating efficiency. Overall, its share of container throughput at Port Klang rose from 39% in 2001 to 69% in 2012.
Source: RHB
Labels: WPRTS

Suria Capital Holdings - Multi-Year Growth Potential

Suria, which  manages  eight major ports in Sabah, was  recently  in the spotlight  when  its  joint venture  (JV)  with SBC  is  finally  started to bear fruit  via  the  Jesselton  Quay  development  project.  We  foresee  this providing  multi-year  growth  potential  for  the  group.  We  initiate coverage on Suria  with a BUY call. Our  DCF-based MYR3.50  FV  implies a FY14F P/E of 16.9x, in line with the industry average.
  • Sabah’s port operator.    Suria  operates  several  major ports in Sabah, namely:  i)  Kota  Kinabalu  Port,  ii)  Sapangar  Bay  Oil  Terminal,  iii) Sandakan Port,  iv)  Lahad Datu Port,  v)  Kunak Port,  vi)  Kudat Port, vii) Tawau  Port  and  viii)  Sapangar  Bay  Container  Port.  The  group  also operates other port-related businesses as well.
  • Details on the Jesselton Quay project.  Suria  recently came under the spotlight  when  the  long-awaited  Jesselton  Quay  development  project started  to  make  progress.  The  group  signed  a  JV  agreement  on  the project  with  SBC  Corp  (SBC  MK,  NR)  on  21  May  and  received shareholders’ approval at  its  recent EGM.  Hence, we believe the project will  kickstart very soon.  We view the salient terms  of  the agreement  as being favourable  to Suria  as it  only needs  to provide the land  and assist and facilitate in the project’s implementation. All other cost and expenses relating  to  the  project,  including  implementation  and  completion  of Jesselton Quay,  will be borne by SBC.  The group is also  guaranteed  a minimum return of MYR324m in cash, or in kind, over eight tranches.
  • Initiate  coverage with a  BUY. As  Suria’s core operations are expected to  experience  organic  earnings  growth,  we  apply  conservative assumptions into our forecasts. W e also did  not factor in any tariff hikes. As it is, we find Suria still undervalued vs its closes peer. By comparison, Integrax  (INTEG  MK,  BUY,  FV:  MYR2.32)  is  trading  at  a  higher  P/E multiple.  Despite the recent rally in  Suria’s  share price,  we still think  the stock  has  not  priced  in  the  cash  inflow  from  the  Jesselton  Quay  JV. Thus, we initiate coverage on Suria  with a BUY call  and a MYR3.50  FV, which is based on a 20% discount on its DCF (at a WACC of 7.2%). Our FV gives an implied FY14F P/E of  16.9x, which is largely in line with the industry average.
Company Highlights
About Suria.  Suria  was listed in 1996 and was originally established as a financial conglomerate. In 2004, the group  shifted its business focus to port services  following a  major  restructuring.  During  that  corporate  exercise,  Suria  acquired  the  business operations of Sabah’s key ports from Sabah Ports Authority  via a major privatisation exercise.  The  terms  of  the  privatisation  agreement  come  with  a  30-year  port concession (since Sep 2004), which can be extended for a further 30-year period. Concession agreement. Based on the privatisation  agreement, the amount payable by  the  Group  for  lease  of  the  land  is  tiered  based  on  the  year  of  the  concession.
Currently,  Suria’s  concession  is  at  its  10th year,  during  which  the  annual  lease payment (payable to  the port  authority) amounts to MYR3m. Suria will also incur a charge  of  RM0.75  per  tonne  of  cargo  handled  in  excess  of  the  annual  threshold throughput  of  10m  tonnes.  As  Suria  approaches  its  11th year  in  2014,  the  annual lease payment will be accordingly raised to MYR5m from MYR3m previously.
Port  operator.  Suria  currently  manages  eight  major ports in Sabah. Originally, the group managed: i)  Kota Kinabalu Port,  ii) Sapangar Bay Oil  Terminal,  iii)  Sandakan Port, iv) Lahad Datu Port, v) Kunak Port, vi) Tawau Port, and vii) Kudat Port. In 2007, it  built  a  container  terminal  –  Sapangar  Bay  Container  Port  –  at  a  cost  of  some MYR400m and shifted Kota Kinabalu port’s container operations to Sapangar Bay.
Other business segments.  Apart from port operations, Suria  has also ventured into other  businesses,  such  as:  i)  equipment  supply  and  maintenance,  ii)  logistics  and bunkering  services,  iii)  contract  and  engineering,  and  iv)  ferry  terminal  operations. Nonetheless,  port  operations are  the  group’s main core business,  contributing about 83.2% to total 2012  revenue. This is  followed  by  its logistics and  bunkering services division, with 9.1% (See Figure 2).
Stable margins.  As shown  in the table above  (Table 1),  Suria’s  revenue  has been fluctuating  over  the  past  four  years.  This  was  largely  due  to  the  instability  in  the global economy, which has  impacted  throughput volume. Nonetheless, we note that the  group’s margins were  relatively strong  during this period  –  maintaining  at around 40%. Gross margins further improved in 1HFY13 to 44% despite lower y-o-y revenue contributions.  Apart from that, Suria  has been able to keep  its net margins  at around 19-23%  for  the  past  four  years,  thus  keeping  annual  earnings  stable  at  around MYR50m.
Ports performance at a glance. As mentioned earlier, Suria’s main core business is its  port operations. Its other business divisions’ contributions  to  group earnings are quite minimal. Among Suria’s eight ports, Sapangar Bay Container Port is the busiest –  running  almost  at  full  capacity,  while  the  other  seven  are  running  at  50-60% utilisation rate.  The cargo handled by its  ports varies, ranging  from container  and dry bulk  to  liquid bulk and  roll-on/roll-off (RORO).  Cargoes at Suria’s ports  are  mostly for import/export,  unlike  ports  in  West  Malaysia  where  transshipment  volumes  are relatively  much  higher  vis-à-vis  Sabah’s  ports.  The  total  throughput  handled  by Suria’s  ports  in  2012  amounted  to  22.5m  tonnes  and  374k  TEUs  (twenty-foot equivalent units. The types of cargo and annual tonnage handled by the group’s ports are illustrated in Tables 2 and 3 below:
Restructuring logistics and bunkering. Suria’s logistics and bunkering division has not  been  performing  well,  but  the  group  has  identified  it  as  a  future  growth  node, given  Sabah’s  strategic  location  between  Oceania and Far  East Asia. Hence, Suria has plans to monetise such  an  advantage. This division has  –  since October  –  been partnered up with  Singapore-based bunkering firm  Petro Summit to develop Sabah into  a  new  regional  bunkering  hub  within  the  Brunei,  Indonesia,  Malaysia  and  the Philippines-East Asean  Growth Area  (BIMP-EAGA)  economic zone. Management is confident  that  this  segment  will  contribute  positively  to  Suria  in  FY14,  although  it expects the contribution to  remain marginal  for the time being. Management is of the view that such a marginal contribution is still expected to  at least  curb losses, which may prove a drag on Suria’s overall performance.
Property  development  an  interesting angle.  Suria’s  share price has been rallying strongly  over  the past few weeks,  and we believe that  this is  largely  spurred by  its potential  property  development  JV  at  Jesselton  Quay,  which  will  finally  come  to fruition.  The  group  signed  a  JV  agreement  venture   with  SBC  Corp  on  21  May  to develop the project on  a prime  piece of land  in Kota Kinabalu. The land  is the former site  of  the  Kota  Kinabalu  container  port  and  is  adjacent  to  Jesselton  Point.  The project is  believed to have  a  net  sellable value of MYR1.8bn and,  according to the salient terms in the agreement, Suria will get an 18% minimum guaranteed profit from the net sellable value, or around MYR324m. This will be paid in eight tranches. In our opinion, Jesselton Quay is not merely a Kota Kinabalu property development project, but is “THE” development that can give rise to other growth opportunities for the state capital,  or  even  Sabah  itself.  We  also  see  it  as  crucial  for  Suria’s  future  growth.
(Please refer to the following section, Jesselton Quay, for more details.)
Source: RHB

转帖] 美國基金:馬股可跑贏大市


Property - Post budget property launches

Post budget property launches

Last weekend, YTL Land saw a more subdued crowd at the launch of Block B Fennel@Sentul East condos (vs Block A & D launch in July). This marks one of the first few launches post-Budget 2014. Nevertheless, take-up was still a respectable 80% with selling price between RM700-850psf vs RM650-700psf previously, partly due to better view (KLCC-facing for some units). Absolute prices were from RM750k/unit onwards for 1081sf-1544sf built-up.
YTL Land continued to offer 54 months-DIBS (approval was obtained for the entire development previously) and early bird discount of 3-5%. There was no VIP preview this round (usually held a day earlier for staff and repeat buyers). YTL Land also increased its marketing efforts prior to launch with full-page print advertisements and e-mail blasts.
Selling points for the project include strategic location (<10km from KLCC), good connectivity (potential 2 MRT stations to be integrated with existing 2 LRT + 1 KTM stops), iconic building design & YTL’s strong execution track record. YTL Land still has 1 remaining block to launch for Fennel.
Meanwhile, Sunway also recently saw 85% take-up for Tower A & B Sunway Geo Residences launch in Bandar Sunway two weeks ago. Selling price after discount/rebates was RM760-860psf (10% early bird discount + 6% discount for non-DIBS). Built-up ranged between 829-1496sf with absolute price from RM766k/unit onwards. The project is a JV between Sunway and Mitsui Fudosan (Japan’s largest property developer by revenue).
We have expected property demand to soften post-Budget 2014 as sentiments are affected (at least in the short-term) by increased restrictions to curb speculation (15-30% RPGT from 10-15%, higher minimum price for foreigners, DIBS ban, more transparent pricing) and tighter bank lending. Demand for prime location, affordable housing and landed properties nevertheless should remain resilient. Our sector top picks are Pavilion REIT (Buy/ TP: RM1.60), Wing Tai Malaysia (Buy/ TP: RM2.90) and E&O (Buy/ TP:RM3.10).
Source: HwangDBS Research - 19 Nov 2013


2012年5月,鹏达集团以4500万令吉收购英国的Nautic Steel。在过去30年,Nautic集团是声誉卓越的钢铁产品生产商,产品包括双工和超级双工不钢铁、铜镍和镍合金。
鹏达集团的优势包括:1)2014财年5%的慷慨周息率(行业平均1.3%)、2)吸引人的10倍冲淡后本益比(行业14至15倍)以及稳固的资产负债表 (2014财年上半净负债0.3倍并拥有9700万令吉现金储备),这使得公司可以进行有价值的并购和内部扩张,以在2015年达到取得10亿营收和目 标、4)赚幅和盈利成长来自产能扩充、改善产品组合,以及营运效率,以及5)公司将从我国和巴西油气业蓬勃发展中受惠。
在上年,鹏达集团取得3亿1600万令吉(2.2%)营收以及2910万令吉(增长8.6%)盈利,主要是来自生产业务的贡献抵销贸易疲弱的不利冲击。整 体而言,贸易和制造业务表现都会看俏,原因为1)区域油气领域工程合约的发出开始增加,以及2)最近收购英国Nautic Steel后将从新市场中取得营收。
鹏达集团表示,美国国际贸易委员会在今年6月28日表决,对从大马、越南和泰国进口的不锈钢管实施反倾销措施,会影响旗下子公司—————鹏达不锈与合金 工业私人有限公司(PSA),因此,它会面对的风险包括:1)公司正考虑诉讼;2)积极将产品转至高档不锈钢产品(这类产品不受反倾销措施的影响,以及比 不锈钢管拥有更高的赚幅);以及3)积极开拓其他有潜能的市场,例如南美洲和欧洲国家。
此外,Nautic Steels预料将会继续为该公司的盈利和赚幅增长做出贡献。
Nautic Steels在2014财年的盈利也备受看好,因为它的产能扩张(按年增30%)和安装新自动化机械将带来贡献。
慧眼 电邮

Hock Seng Lee - Proxy to Sarawak growth: No let-up in development agenda Buy

-  We maintain BUY on Hock Seng Lee Bhd (HSL), with a sumof-parts fair value of RM2.48/share, which includes a PE of 8x against its 3-year average forward earnings for its construction division.
-  We came away convinced from a visit to Sarawak last week that HSL will continue to benefit from the infrastructure development within and outside the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE).
-  Crucially, we learned that marine- and water-related specialist HSL has presented to the state Cabinet its proposals for the second phase of the Kuching central wastewater management project, which extends the geographical reach of the system. The cost of the second phase is estimated at RM700mil-RM800mil.
-  We believe the package could be awarded by early next year, along with the O&M of the wastewater treatment plant. Phase 1 is now 75% completed, with the bulk of the remaining works revolving around connecting the central networks to the residential and commercial units.
-  The contract value for the second phase alone would surpass our annual new order assumption of RM600mil for the next two years. Additionally, the rapid development in Sarawak also necessitates the implementation of central sewerage systems as well as flood mitigation programmes in other cities and towns. Apart from numerous water supplyrelated jobs in the state that are in urgent need of implementation, other potential major jobs include:-
-  1) The Balingian power plant: HSL’s is one of two consortia still in the running. It has been reported that the plant could cost RM2.5bil. HSL could benefit from RM300mil-RM400mil worth of ancillary jobs. We understand from Sarawak Energy Bhd that the project could be awarded by year-end or early next year, pending finalisation of the coal supply contract.
-  2) The RM300mil-RM400mil proposed Mukah (a SCORE growth node) new airport: The tender for the RM150mil phase one (earthworks and land reclamation) has closed. Phases two and three involve the construction of the runway and terminal building.
-  3) The development of the halal hub in Tanjung Manis: We understand the state’s Regional Economic Corridor Development Authority (Recoda) is in the final stages of finalising the masterplan for Tanjung Manis, another SCORE growth node. HSL is the pioneer developer of the infrastructure there.
-  We continue to like HSL for its:- a) strong earnings visibility; b) strong balance sheet, including RM200mil cash and cash equivalents, and being debt-free; and c) as a proxy to the state’s development agenda.
Source: AmeSecurities

Monday, November 18, 2013

IJM Corp - Kuantan Port to Get Bigger


We returned, on a POSITIVE note, from our recent visit to Kuantan Port and the surrounding Gebeng Industrial Estate. Below are the visit highlights:
Background… Kuantan Port which spans over 650ha has 22 berths with a total berth length of ~4km and maximum depth of ~11m. It can cater for a maximum vessel capacity of 53k ton (see Figure #1). The robust activities in the port are supported by various industries, mainly in Gebeng, ranging from palm oil to petrochemical products.
Iron growth… The port is fully utilised with a cargo throughput of 17m fwt and its growth has been mainly supported by the export of iron ore. As of FYE Mar-13, iron ore exports made up 1/3 of its revenue. In terms of earnings contribution, the port posted PAT of RM79.8m, which makes up ~20% of IJM’s FY13 core earnings.
Roping in China… As part of the G2G negotiations to attract investments from China into the East Coast Economic Region, IJM will dispose its 40% stake in Kuantan Port to Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co Ltd for RM334.4m (kindly refer to our report “Kuantan expansion becomes a reality” dated 10 Sep-13). In return, the Chinese party will bring in investors to setup industrial plants in the new Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP). The port’s concession which will end in 2027 will also be extended by another 60 years to at least 2072.
Expansion plans… To cater for the imminent demand from MCKIP, Kuantan Port will build a new deep water terminal with 2km berthing space and depth of 18m. The port expansion will be developed over 2 phases, with phase one the first km of new berthing space. The Government is currently constructing a 4.6km new breakwater, and Phase 1’s construction cost of RM1bn is expected to benefit IJM’s construction division. A timely boost to replenish its current order book of RM1.9bn (1.2x FY13 construction revenue).
Transhipment goal… With the expanded capacity, Kuantan Port seeks to increase its transhipment business especially for cargoes towards the North East Asia route, particularly China.


Execution risk; Regulatory and political risk (both domestic and overseas); Rising raw material prices; Unexpected downturn in the construction, property and plantation cycle; and Sharp fluctuation in forex.




Positives: (1) Higher upwards price sensitivity towards new contract wins; (2) Strategic shareholding in WCE and Kuantan Port to clinch projects; (3) Recovery in construction margin; (4) Robust contribution from IJM Land; (5) FFB growth to mitigate weak CPO prices.
Negatives: (1) Delays in securing sizable contracts; (2) Continued deterioration in CPO prices; (3) Slower than expected take-up rates for its property launches.


TP maintained at RM6.32 based on SOP valuation.
Source: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research - 18 Nov 2013

布米亚马大 盈利预估获上修

(吉隆坡18日讯)布米亚马大(ARMADA,5210,主要板贸易)获合约首次将浮式生产储卸油船(FPSO)业务,扩展至北大西洋的一部分的北海(North Sea),获券商上修盈利预估与目标价,利好激励股价节节走高。

Friday, November 15, 2013

买进劵商心头好.续扩大槟城市占率 恒大置地可趁低吸纳

券商:兴业证券研究 ◆目标价:2.05令吉
恒大置地(TAMBUN,5191,主要板房产)以1470万令吉在槟城Pearl City收购24.1英亩土地,不仅维持33%至37%高赚幅,并推高发展总值至28亿令吉。
 Pearl City额外贡献发展总值达1亿2000万至1亿3000万令吉,并将总发展价值推高至28亿令吉。
 我们看好恒大置地管理层持续扩大槟城市占率,该集团每平方尺14令吉收购成本,低于现有在Pearl City每平方18令吉平均账面成本。该片土地售价亦低于市价,因出口只能通往恒大置地土地。
 恒大置地旗下计划的海外买家仅占1%至2%,再加上Pearl City多数单位买家以自住为主,因此预算案提出的房产市场冷却措施对该集团影响甚微。

Thursday, November 14, 2013

斤经济较:必须懂的财报比率(下) - 夜月

还债率(Solvency Ratio)
1 负债资产比(Debt to Assets Ratio)
Debt to Assets Ratio=Total Debt/Total Assets
2 Interest Coverage
Interest Coverage=Earning before Interest & Tax(EBIT)/Interest Payment
Interest Coverage是用来测量公司偿还债务利息的能力。Interest Coverage 越高,偿还利息能力越强。
盈利率(Profitability Ratio)
1 净利率(Net Profit Margin)
Net Profit Margin=Net Profit/Revenue
净利率主要用来衡量公司的节俭程度和效率。净利率越高代表公司可以以最少的成本销售出货品,证明这家公司的竞争力强。要达到高净利率,除了要减少浪费之 外,就是注重科技,以最新科技的机器来减少成本。在算净利率时有一点要注意的是,那一年有没有额外的一次性收入,因为会造成误差。
2 股东回报率 (Return of Equity)
Return of Equity=Net Income/Equity
价值率 (Valuation Ratio)
1 本益比 (PE Ratio)
PE Ratio=Price per Share/Earning per Share
本益比是我本人非常喜欢用来选股的指标之一。本益比用公司的盈利能力来衡量公司的价格。比如:一家公司的本益比=5,代表你投资在该公司的钱需要5年 就可以回本。但是有一个重要的条件就是,每年的盈利都一样。由于这个条件,盈利比较稳定或者成长性高的公司本益比会比较高。就好像消费品公司营业额稳定, 科技公司成长性高,所以这两种行业公司的本益比会比其他行业高,建筑业公司因为是接工程的,所以盈利不稳定,本益比普遍较低。
2 PB Ratio
PB Ratio=Price per Share/Net Assets per Share
PB Ratio是用公司的净资产来衡量公司的价格。PB Ratio是最保守的指标,因为它代表着当公司倒闭了,通过拍卖资产可以赔到多少钱。一般上用以拥有高价值资产的公司比如地产公司拥有地皮,金融公司拥有债券和股票等等。此外,PB Ratio并没有将无形的资产比如:公司的商誉和品牌价值计算在内,所以公司真正的价值可能会高出净资产很多。