Thursday, October 31, 2013

现金储备增长40% 东益电子或派特别股息


斤经济较:你也可以预测经济走向 - 夜月

很多人会问现在的经济状况如何?尽管他们都不懂怎样代表经济好,怎样才代表经济不好。普遍来说经济好的时候,国民的生产力(GDP)会提高、失业率会下降、公司越开越多等等。然而,又有人说这些或许无法代表真正的经济状况。到底怎样才能知道过去、现在和未来的经济状况呢?其实有很多经济指标(Economic Indicator)是可以用来预测经济的。
领先经济指标(Leading Economic Indicator)
同期经济指标(Coincident Economic Indicator)
落后经济指标(Lagging Economic Indicator)
1 每星期工作平均时间(制造业)
公司在产品销售不好的时候,不会先裁员,因为再请回新员工需要花费更多的精力和时间。所以要降低生产量时,公司首先会减少工人的工作时间包括取消加班等 等。所以每星期工作平均时间降低,代表着未来的经济可能会变坏。相反地也一样。当产品需求增加,公司不会立刻请人,反而会让在职员工加班,在真正经济好转 确认后才会真正请人。
2 货币政策
4 股市
1 员工薪水
2 工业生产率
1 失业率
2 家庭借贷率

推出更多新计划 PLENITUDE力扩房产版图

 蔡爱施指出,子公司Plenitude Tebrau私人有限公司房产9D、9E和9F阶段,房产销量有不错的改善。
 PLENITUDE子公司Plenitude Permai私人有限公司今年推介6A阶段,当中共有105个单位的排屋,其中60个单位为双层排屋,45个单位是三层排屋,发展总值达1亿1700万令吉,吸纳率约为30%,这不包括一间展示单位。

Is Medini Iskandar now gold? - kinibiz

By doubling the minimum property purchase price for foreigners to RM1 million last week, has prime minister Najib Abdul Razak inadvertently turned Medini Iskandar into investors’ ‘gold’?
While the minimum price limit applies to the whole country, Medini has been the exemption — foreigners can purchase any property in the 2,230-acre district without any price restrictions.
Property Lawyer Pretam Singh Darshan Singh Pretam Singh Darshan Singh
In his Budget 2014 speech, the prime minister did not mention any changes to the exemption in Medini — by all appearances, the exemption seems to remain in place even as Budget 2014 unveiled a number of cooling measures for the property industry.
“I don’t think (the raised minimum price limit) will be applicable to Medini,” said property lawyer Pretam Singh Darshan Singh when contacted by KiniBiz.
The implication now is that with the entry bar raised everywhere else in the country, Medini has become a stronger magnet for foreign property investors looking for properties priced below RM1 million.
“Medini is foreigners’ only chance to buy properties below RM1 million,” said Danny Goh, executive director of MCT Consortium which has a mixed development project in Medini.
Ready, set, rush?
According to Goh, a majority of properties in Medini at the moment are priced below RM1 million.
“For our D’Pristine mixed development, our buyers are about 50:50 between locals and foreigners,” said Goh. “Our prices are about RM700,000 per Small Office Flexible Office (SoFo) unit.”
Prices in Medini has been quite stable, said valuer Sr Loo Kung Hoe of Rahim & Co (Johor), with prices varying between RM700 and RM1,000 per sq ft (psf). Some developments are already seeing prices going beyond the RM1,000 psf mark, added Loo.
But with Medini spared the property cooling measures in Budget 2014, is a ‘gold rush’ by foreign investors looming?
“I think so, yes,” said Goh flatly.
However, the actual overall impact may not be significant, said Brian Koh, executive director of property consultancy DTZ Nawawi Tie Leung.
Maybe some of the smaller units would be impacted because they are usually priced below RM1 million, but the bigger ones not so much (affected),” said Koh to KiniBiz via phone.
“If foreigners want to buy, they’ll continue to buy (regardless),” added Koh, pointing out that investment in Iskandar has been driven by other factors.
One possibility however is that developers may start building bigger units in order to price their properties higher, said Koh.
RPGT exemption until 2020
Rahim & Co (Johor) valuer Sr Loo Kung Hoe Loo Kung Hoe
One way or another, valuer Loo feels Medini’s property prices may soon see its stability ending, especially since the lack of price controls for foreigners is on top of an exemption from real property gains tax (RPGT) under certain conditions.
“From the way I look at it, since (Medini) was not affected by Budget 2014, I think prices may start shooting up,” said Loo to KiniBiz. “Medini is now king.”
In his Budget 2014 speech last week, prime minister Najib Abdul Razak also did not touch on Medini’s RPGT exemption for certain types of purchasers. The implication is that the exemption currently in place would remain.
According to information from the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) website, the Medini Incentive Support Package provides among others an exemption to foreign knowledge workers (FKW) from real property gains tax (RPGT) for disposal of land and property until 2015 and 2020 respectively.
However, to qualify for the RPGT exemption the FKWs must be a non-Malaysian citizen working with either an IDR-status company, an approved developer, an approved development manager or an approved node project development company.
Additionally, the FKW must reside in Iskandar Malaysia as well as possessing required education qualifications and professional experience in select categories.
IRDA is a statutory body established under the Iskandar Regional Development Authority Act 2007 (IRDA Act) to oversee the development of the Iskandar Malaysia region in terms of policies and promotions, among other roles.
Under the IRDA Act, section 5(e) states that IRDA’s function among others will be “to recommend to the relevant Government Entities incentives in relation to taxes, customs and excise duties and other fiscal incentives applicable to investors in the Iskandar Development Region”.
How the minimum price exemption works
The exemption for foreigners in Medini from the minimum purchase price limit works via a well-known practice in other countries including Australia and Canada, although Medini perhaps represents its first implementation in Malaysia.
Medini Map from Iskandar InvestmentInstead of purchasing land directly in Medini, foreigners would instead be buying leases from appointed master concessionaire lease developers (MCLD) or subsequent layer investors (SLI) — each transaction done by the registered lessee would not affect the freehold status of the land.
In such an arrangement, the freehold ownership effectively remains with a local party as the foreign purchaser’s ownership is akin to a long-term tenancy.
Property lawyer Pretam Singh previously wrote that the lease period acquired by the foreign purchasers would be 99 years with an option for an additional 30 years in certain cases.
The body that appoints MCLDs and SLIs for Medini is Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) and at the end of the lease period for a Medini property, ownership would revert back to IIB.
At present there are more than 20 MCLDs in Medini Iskandar, said Haslinda Othman, senior vice president of Development, Medini Iskandar Malaysia Sdn Bhd — which is a member of Iskandar Investment Group — when contacted by KiniBiz.
However, as Malaysian law does not cater to the sale of leases at present, developers with projects in Medini need to apply for an exemption from the housing ministry to allow for such sales of leases.
The housing ministry’s exemption would allow developers to deviate from Schedules H and G of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989, which are the mandatory standard agreement between purchasers and developers in Malaysia.
A greenfield development spanning 2,230 acres, Medini is designed to become the central business district of Iskandar Malaysia with six zones — A to F — which makes up four development clusters: Medini North (Zone A), Medini Business (Zone B), Medini Central (Zones C, D and E) and Medini South (Zone F).
Began in 2007, Medini’s 20-year development plan is expected to see a gross development value (GDV) of more than RM6.8 billion with its total area translating to 9.6 million square feet of land and a total gross floor area of nearly 18.8 million square feet. Among the landmark developments in Medini is the Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios boasting over 100,000 square feet in film stages as well as Asia’s first Legoland — the Legoland Malaysia theme park.

第三季净利持平 大马机场营业额涨三成




大 马机场在首3季的机场营运营业额,整体上取得成长,其中机场服务收入成长14.56%,至13亿6072万令吉;机场零售业务的收入则成长12.60%, 至4亿3909万令吉;另外,机场建筑收入大幅成长85.12%,至11亿9866万令吉。建筑收入主要是来自第2国际机场的建筑工程,以及槟城国际机场 的扩充计划。




令吉走贬拖累 国能末季净利暴跌80%






国 家能源首席执行员拿督斯里阿兹曼在记者会上强调两点。第一,国家能源2013财政年末季的整体业绩表现保持稳定,主要是煤炭平均价是每公吨80.80美 元,和第三季的每公吨84.4美元相去不远。第二,令吉兑美元和日圆分别下挫6.4%和9.3%,导致末季的净利大跌至2.19亿令吉。




另 外,廖莫宜称,国家能源目前的4项发电厂项目皆如期进行,第4单位曼绒(Janamanjung)1000兆瓦发电厂已完成64%工程;乌鲁登嘉楼 (Hulu Terengganu)水力发电厂已完成45%工程;乌鲁日莱(UluJelai)发电厂已完成39%工程;以及北赖(Prai)发电厂已完成18%工 程




Tuesday, October 29, 2013

从财算措施中受惠 莫实得控股展望佳

(吉隆坡28日讯)莫实得控股(Bstead,2771,种植组)冀望可从上周五所宣布的2014年财政预算案下所提及的30亿令吉海事发展基金低息贷款(soft loan)发配计划下受惠。
他在资本投资(ICap,5108,关闭式基金)所举办的2013年投资人日(Investor Day)上作出有关该公司的汇报活动后向媒体透露,该公司将可因财政预算案下将酒店的新兴地位(Pioneer Status)额外延长3年至2016年12月的建议下受惠。

旗下产业业务拥有皇家朱兰(Royale Chulan)、皇家遮拉汀(Royale Cherating)和皇家宾当(Royale Bintang)酒店的莫实得控股料可从上述情况下受惠,因该公司放眼展开更多的酒店发展活动。
罗丁也提到,外国购屋者的产业盈利税(Real Property Gains Tax,RPGT)以及房屋购买价格上限的调高活动,意味着该领域在未来将出现更可持续性的成长预期。


与三井合作 双威料受惠

(吉隆坡29日讯)双威(SUNWAY,5211,主板产业股)与日本三井不动产(Mitsui Fudosan)达成协议,联营双威South Quay发展计划。


双 威的60%权益子公司--双威South Quay私人有限公司(SSQ),与三井不动产旗下的SEA Investment Four私人有限公司(SEAI4),是以67对33的股权比例,通过Prosper Revenue私人有限公司展开这项名为双威Geo Residences的发展计划。









虽 然产业领域或面临紧缩举措及合约流放缓,惟丰隆研究仍看好该集团经重组后的资本负债表与庞大的订单量,将可扶持其盈利增长,因此维持对该股「买进」的投资 评级。国内另3家证券行也重申对该股的「买进」评级,马银行投行则保持其「守住」评级。市场给予该股的目标价格,则介于3.73令吉至2.96令吉。


双威房产信托 首季净利成长6.5%

吉隆坡29日讯)双威房地产投资信托(SUNREIT,5176,主板房产信托股)2014财政年首季净利为5540万令吉,较於去年的5200万 9000令吉,增加6.52%;营业额则为1亿零17万6000令吉,较於去年的9977万2000令吉,上涨0.41%。




数 码网络是在周一向大马交易所呈报2013财政年第三季(截至9月30日止)业绩表现时,提及该公司也将当季完成名为「网络现代化」的网络设施升级行动,而 其3G覆盖率也扩大至76.1%。此亮点引起市场分析员的注意,并相信这将让该公司从2011年就开始每季必须入账的巨额折旧项目和若干成本,终止于来 季。账面而言,这将为该公司的营运释放更多盈利。



大 部份分析员维持该股的「守住」或「买进」评级,但共有4名分析员上调其目标价格,包括丰隆研究(4.79令吉上调至4.94令吉)丶马银行金英投行 (4.85令吉上调至4.95令吉)丶安联研究(4.90令吉上调至5.51令吉),以及MIDF研究(4.80令吉上调至6.23令吉,评级从「中和」 上调至「买进」)。








不过,数码网络在第三季的息税前赚幅(EBITDA margin)只保持在45.1%,因智能手机津贴增加,同时令吉汇率滑跌也侵蚀国际通话(IDD)业务的赚幅。


在数码网络的分析员汇报会中,管理层表示,对设立商业信托(business trust)的研究仍在进行中,这涉及营运丶税务丶监管者等多方。有别于第二季的汇报会,管理层这次不再重申年杪完成相关研究的目标,肯纳格研究分析员认为,今年内或无法成事。


盈利前景稳定 迪联目标价调高













券商买进心头好.PESTECH国际 获颁数合约成数高

兴业证券研究 目标价:2.82令吉

Hua Yang Berhad - Affordable Housing Advantage

HUAYANG held a briefing yesterday which reaffirmed our positive view based on these factors: (i) stronger billings in 2H14, which will be driven mainly by projects that are near to completion such as Parc@OneSouth, and (ii) immediate billings upon SPA for some of its upcoming projects as the substructure works are already underway. We believe our RM620.0m sales target for FY14E is achievable, buoyed by more than RM1.0b launches in the pipeline for the year and current unbilled sales of RM559m. Maintained TP of RM2.91, while maintaining our stance that it should be on parity with our DCF-driven RNAV.
Re-emphasizing targets will be met. Given the two consecutive quarters of underperformance, the management re-emphasized that their plans remain intact to achieve revenue and sales targets of c.RM0.5b and RM0.6b for FY14, respectively. In our earlier report dated 19 July, we mentioned that 2Q14 was expected to see QoQ improvements and true enough revenue improved 25.8% QoQ. Nevertheless, PBT was pretty flat with 0.3% QoQ growth. Management also guided that 2H14 will come in stronger on the back of stronger unbilled sales of RM559m and more than RM1b worth of launches in FY14. YTD, the company has launched RM288m worth of ongoing projects such as Taman Pulai Indah, Taman Pulai Hijauan and Bandar Universiti Seri Iskandar and soft launched Phase 5 of OneSouth, Sentrio Suites and Metia Residence worth RM463m, with promising bookings. Moreover, the company has already commenced piling and substructure works for Sentrio Suites and Metia Residences. Hence, this would mean immediate billings of c.20% when they rake-in SPA sales from these projects by year-end. Meanwhile, there are RM328m worth of new project launches lining up from now onwards to 1QCY14.
FY14E sales intact. Total RM1.0b GDV worth of projects will be launched this year which includes six new projects with total GDV of RM690m (e.g. Sentrio Suites, Metia Residences, The Gardens@Polo Park, Jalan Abdul Samad@Johor, Ridgewood@Bercham Permai and Anjung Bercham Megah, Perak). The breakdown between Klang Valley and other regions will be 43:57. Assuming a conservative takeup rate of 70% on the RM1.0b GDV, we believe our sales projections for FY14E of RM613m (+52% YoY) are realistic. However, we revised down our GP margin for FY14E by 1ppt to 32% due to higher construction cost resulting from labour shortage. Management highlighted their intention to maintain GP above 30% and believed that the labour cost issue would be moderate after completion of public infrastructure, typically the biggest component of any project.
HUAYANG continues to be one of our favourite property developers as it is one of the few to focus on the affordable housing market which will enjoy resilient demand for years to come. We also believe that it will not be impacted by the recent Budget 2014 property cooling measures as HUAYANG does not have any exposure to DIBS. We reckon the pool of mass home buyers will continue to grow prior to GST implementation as affordability becomes an overbearing issue.
Maintain earnings estimates for FY14E and FY15E of RM77m and RM112m respectively. We believe the estimates for FY14E is achievable supported by: (i) stronger billings in 2H14, which will be driven mainly by projects that are near to completion such as Parc@OneSouth, (ii) substructure works are underway for some of the upcoming new project launches, which mean billings will be immediate upon SPA sales.
Reiterate OUTPERFORM with unchanged TP of RM2.91. We maintain our stance that its TP should be on parity with its DCF-driven RNAV @ 10% WACC as we believe its ability to capitalise on its landbanks will become imminent as property prices continue to trend upwards coupled with the growing need for mass housings.
Source: Kenanga

Wellcall's expansion to meet five-year demand growth

Wellcall Holdings Bhd says its third factory, slated for completion in the 1Q2015 will meet the market demand for its products over the next five years. Wellcall is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial rubber hoses in the country. "We are currently in the process of finalising the factory layout and machinery," said executive director Alex Chew Chee Chek during his session at the Bhd Investor Day 2013 last Sunday.

The new factory will be built on a tract measuring about 3.3ha located 1km away from its current factory site in Lahat, Perak. The company has also reclaimed land in the past few months to expand the total land area to approximately 3.5ha. (The Edge)

Mudajaya moves into renewable energy in Philippines

Mudajaya Power International (MPI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mudajaya, acquires a 40% stake in Amihan Energy Corporation (AEC) for Php26.4m (RM1.9m). AEC is based in the Philippines and was granted a 25-year exclusive rights by the Department of Environment (DOE) to develop wind energy resources in Cebu. The venture involves a development of up to 200MW wind energy farm on an 18.2k ha land in phases over the next 5 years with an initial development of up to 50MW.

The equipment procurement (EP) works and the O&M contract shall be awarded to a nominee corporation of MPI based on agreed terms. The balance 60% stake in AEC is held equally by Windelsey Inc and Visayan Wind Energy Holdings Corp. (BMSB)

This is positive and marks the group's maiden venture into regional renewable energy (RE) assets. This move is not a surprise as the group has been in talks for a potential wind farm project and it is within management's guidance for 2H13. Progress is still in the early stages as the venture needs to secure financial closure which is targeted by end 2014. Total development cost for the entire 200MV facility could be around RM2bn, based on the benchmark development cost of US$3.2m/MW (c.RM500m for the initial 50MW). This values Mudajaya's equity portion at c.RM245m based on a 70:30 debt-equity mix. New associate earnings from this venture should start from FY15 at the earliest.

Budget 2014 - Market Strategy: Stocks to BUY

In the past month, the FBM KLCI has rebounded by some 3% (to 1,817 points currently) on the back of the delay in QE tapering. While risk appetite has improved, earnings have not. Without a turnaround in the earnings revision cycle from an acceleration in corporate newsflow momentum, we do not believe that the liquidity-driven rebound can hold in the face of elevated forward PEs of between 16x-17x. Hence, we reaffirm our FBM KLCI fair value of 1,770 for this year, and 1,880 for 2014. That said, post-Budget 2014 still provides some great opportunities for stock picking. In this report, we highlight the prime beneficiaries.
- GST of 6% would be implemented on 1 April 2015, replacing the current sales tax of between 5%-10%. Cellular players may pass down taxes to consumers, given the elimination of the current 6% service tax – which is currently borne by the celcos for prepaid users. Postpaid service tax, on the other hand, is currently borne by subscribers. DiGi is the biggest beneficiary from this potential move given that it has the largest proportion of prepaid revenue compared to Celcom and Maxis. Circa 84% of DiGi’s subscribers comprise prepaid users compared with 78% for Celcom and 75% for Maxis. In terms of revenue, we estimate c.73% of DiGi’s service revenue to be derived from the prepaid segment versus 58% and 49% for Celcom and Maxis, respectively. We upgrade DiGi to BUY from HOLD with a higher fair value of RM5.70/share (vs. RM4.70/share previously). Axiata remains a BUY with a higher fair value of RM7.90share (vs. RM7.40/share previously). Meanwhile, Maxis remains a HOLD, but with a higher fair value of RM7.40/share (vs. RM6.55/ share).
- The real property gains tax (RPGT) would be raised to 30% for a holding period less than three years, 20% in Year 4 and 15% in Year 5. Like before, no RPGT would be applicable for a holding period exceeding five years. The stamp duty structure and loan-to-value ratio remain status quo. Some moderation in speculative buying is likely but the impact is not expected to be significant because RPGT is an exit tax. More importantly, the regulatory overhang is now removed. Residential pre-sales would surely re-accelerate in the coming months. We are BUYers of Mah Sing, IJM Land and E&O; the latter is our latest initiation. We expect E&O’s NAV to more than triple to RM4.61/share upon receiving regulatory approvals to commence reclamation works for STP II.
- Banks are no longer allowed to provide final funding for projects involved in the Developer Interest Bearing Scheme (DIBS). However, this was already widely expected, with minimal impact as the loans from DIBS generally contribute about 2% to 3% of total loans. GST is expected to be imposed on fee income and not on the loan portion, although exact details have yet to be spelt out. Public Bank is our only BUY for its consistent earnings delivery and good dividend track record.
- Even though the focal point of Budget 2014 continues to be on the government’s commitment to reduce the fiscal deficit, several infrastructure projects would nonetheless be implemented. IJM looks set to leverage on the rollout of two major projects, namely the West-Coast Expressway and the Kuantan Port expansion. Both projects may signal a long-awaited turnaround of IJM’s construction division with the normalisation of profit margins. We estimate that both projects may almost triple its order book to RM8.0bil. Both Gamuda and WCT with their respective Chinese partners are among the three finalists for the RM8.0bil Gemas-JB rail line. IJM is our top pick in the sector.
- The ‘sin’ sectors – brewery and gaming – were spared from higher duties although there is the perennial risk of a tax hike off-Budget, like in the case of the 14% hike in excise duty last month for the tobacco sector. Nonetheless, we are still cautious about prospects for the brewers because of shrinking MLM volume and limited room for dividend surprises. We like Genting Bhd as its share price would be supported by a special dividend of RM0.50/share. It also offers a cheaper exposure to Genting Singapore with an acquisition-driven growth.
- Tenaga is a BUY. We expect Tenaga’s 4Q results (to be released next week) to be strong, which may trigger upward revisions to its EPS and fair value. The earnings surprise may come from lower-than-expected coal prices, currently averaging at US$80/tonne vs. our assumption of US$85/tonne. A US$5/tonne reduction would raise our DCF valuation by 12% from RM10.45/share to RM11.70/share. Additionally, we expect improved earnings transparency from Tenaga’s gradual implementation of incentive-based regulatory initiatives, which will facilitate an automatic cost-pass through tariff-setting mechanism. Competitive bids for new power plants, such as the upcoming 2,000MW greenfield coalfired power plant, would contribute to the moderation in Tenaga’s overall unit cost per kWhr. The stock currently trades at an attractive P/BV of 1.5x vs. its 5-year range of 1x-2.7x.
- The implementation of the GST will have no impact on glove manufacturers’ earnings as gloves, which are mainly for exports, are levied a zero-rated output tax. They can, however, take advantage of the input tax credit mechanism to claim GST incurred on their raw materials. Our top BUYs are Top Glove Corp for its volume play and its move up the value chain to nitrile (currently 25% of sales but growing to 50% in three years), and Kossan for its cheaper valuations. Elsewhere, Berjaya Food may see better profit margins as the implementation of GST would replace the current sales tax (5%-10%) and service tax (6%). Following its recent product price increases for Kenny Rogers Malaysia, SSSG has turned positive while its Indonesian operations are coming along nicely.
Source: AmeSecurities

Monday, October 28, 2013

Boustead sees benefit in maritime allocation

Boustead Holdings Bhd hopes to benefit from the RM3bn allocation in soft loans under the Maritime Development Fund announced under Budget 2014 last Friday, said group managing director Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin. "We are very much involved in ship building, we hope in some way to get a slice of that allocation in the budget," Lodin said. He added that the group could also benefit from the proposal in the budget to extend the pioneer status for hotels for another three years until December 2016. (Financial Daily)

PLANTATIONS - Emergence of New Biodiesel Mandate?

According to a Business Times report last week, industry and government officials are in the final stages of talks in implementing B7 biodiesel as early as December. The blended biodiesel, which is a mixture of 7% palm oil and 93% diesel, will eventually replace the current B5 biodiesel. Given the right subsidy and incentives, it is expected that biodiesel players in Malaysia can take up 700,000mt of CPO from the palm oil stocks for the B7 mandate, which will help restore CPO prices back to stable levels. However, the inherent difficulties of running the programme remains our major doubt as profitability is subject to fluctuations in crude oil and palm oil prices. We maintain Neutral call on the sector.
Will help reduce palm oil stockpile. Based on the previous assumptions on the B5 and B10 mandate, it is expected that the B7 mandate will take away 700,000mt palm oil from the current palm oil inventories of 1.7m mt, which will bode well for the recovery of palm oil prices. In addition, it also helps reduce dependency on China and India, which are the two largest vegetable oil importing countries, accounting for 32% of Malaysia’s palm oil exports YTD.
Need to address the viability and usage of B7. Currently, the usage of biodiesel is only limited to government-owned vehicles within the various ministries and for diesel engine vehicles used in the oil palm plantation estates. As the government wants to encourage the usage of biodiesel further, there is a need to receive the “green light” from engine manufacturers on the viability of B7. Apart from that, government also can consider exporting biodiesel to European countries as its Indonesian and Argentine counterparts are being slapped with anti-dumping duties on biodiesel exports to EU.
Uncertainty over the the long-term prospects. The introduction of B7 has triggered our concern whether government is still running the B10 biodiesel project as it has indicated in the beginning that it tends to roll out nationwide by middle of next year. As biodiesel business is only profit-making when crude oil and CPO prices are below USD100/barrel and RM2,250/mt respectively, the long-term prospects of biodiesel remain uncertain.
Source: PublicInvest Research - 28 Oct 2013

Pestech International - Stands Good Chance Of Bidding For More Jobs

Following the announcement of Budget 2014, we believe that Pestech stands a good chance of picking up some jobs from the Government, which is allocating MYR865m for the provision of uninterrupted electricity supply nationwide. In highlighting the frequent electricity supply disruption in Sabah, the Budget is allocating  MYR265m towards  upgrading  the Tenom Pangi  hydro  power  station and  construction of  the Kimanis electricity transmission lines as well as a main switch station in Sandakan. The company’s total orderbook amounts to MYR330m as at end-September 2013.  We  still like Pestech’s  strong  orderbook and growing business opportunities  in  the  local and  overseas markets. Maintain BUY, with an unchanged MYR2.82 FV, pegged to a target P/E of 10x.
Budget 2014 turns spotlight on rural development. As part of its efforts in rural development, the Government is allocating MYR865m for the provision  of  24-hour  uninterrupted  electricity  supply  to  more  than  16,000  homes  nationwide.  It  also  turned  its  attention  to  the  frequent electricity  supply  disruption  in  Sabah  via  a  MYR265m  allocation  to  strengthen  the  state’s  generation  and  transmission  system.  Among  the projects  proposed  in the Budget  are  the  upgrading  of  the  Tenom Pangi  hydro  power  station and the  construction of  the  Kimanis electricity transmission lines as well as a main switch station in Sandakan.
Pestech stands a chance of clinching some jobs. Pestech has several ongoing projects in Sarawak. Besides a few projects in Samalaju Industrial Park  from  OM  Materials (Sarawak) SB and  Asia Cement Co Ltd,  it  has  also won two jobs from Sarawak Energy Bhd (SEB).  Being a reputable specialist of power transmission systems, the company stands a good chance of winning the bids.
Replenishes orderbook by MYR187.8m  YTD.  So far this year, Pestech  has been able to replenish its orderbook by MYR187.8m to MYR330.0m as at end of September 2013.  In September,  it  won a MYR95.6m contract from SEB  to build  a 275/33kV  substation  in Mapai, Sibu.  The job is part  of  the  500kV  transmission  backbone  project  initiated  by  SEB  to  reinforce  Sarawak’s  existing  power  transmission  system  in  case  the existing line breaks down.
Maintain  BUY,  with  MYR2.82  FV.  We believe that Pestech would be one of the forerunners in bidding  for Government jobs given its good reputation and  sound  track record in the power transmission system industry.  We make no changes to our forecasts. Overall, the company’s fundamentals  are unchanged, with  its  strong orderbook  boosting its growth while it  continues to  seek business opportunities in the  local and overseas markets. Maintain BUY, with a FV of MYR2.82, pegged to an unchanged target P/E of 10x.
Source: RHB

Real Estate - Budget 2014 Measures To May Deal a Blow

The  property  cooling  measures  announced  in  Budget  2014  will  be adequate to curb speculation and ensure healthy growth of the property industry.  Although sector valuations have factored in the policy risk to some  extent,  we  see  downside  potential  for  the  valuations  of  some stocks, particularly those that are highly exposed to the Iskandar region and have high foreign proportion of buyers. Maintain NEUTRAL.
  • Needs  time to heal.  In the face of  the  new property  cooling  measures, we  expect  the  current  consolidation  in  property  demand  and  prices  to continue.  Based  on  past  experience,  the  market  is  likely  to  need  3-6 months to adjust to the regulation changes.
  • Iskandar  the  worst  hit.  Developers  which  have  high  exposure  to  the Iskandar  region  will  be  the  most  adversely  affected.  The  30%  Real Property  Gains  Tax  (RPGT)  imposed on foreigners for disposals  within the  first  five  years  will  discourage  short-term  foreign  speculators  from buying properties. The holding period of a minimum of five years is the key deterrent. According to CBRE, foreign purchasers account for 54% of high-rise residential sales in Nusajaya and 39% in JB city a s well as the  major  suburbs.  Although  the  demand  for  certain  attractive  projects will remain, we expect a knee-jerk slowdown in  overall  sales in Iskandar in the near term as the market is now less attractive than in the past.
  • Penang  mainland  still  healthy.  The  Penang  mainland,  on  the  other hand,  will  still  see  healthy  growth  as  local  property  demand  is  largely driven  by  genuine  buyers  for  occupancy  purposes.  Job  opportunities created by both  foreign and local MNCs  and the opening  of the Penang Second Bridge remain the key catalysts for demand growth.
  • Developers relying  on local buyers will fare better.  Local buyers are still  the  main  stream  of  sustainable  buyers.  The  silver  lining  will  be developers  which  concentrate  on  affordable  housing  and  township developments.  High-rise  and  luxury  segments,  in  particular,  will  likely see a temporary slowdown in demand.
  • Maintain NEUTRAL. Stick with IJM Land and Tambun Indah. We see no relief for the sector as the new measures will have an overall negative impact on developers. Maintain NEUTRAL on the sector. We continue to like IJMLD and Tambun Indah  given the  companies’  solid fundamentals and minimal exposure to foreign buyers.
Targeting Speculators
Key measures tabled in Budget 2014:
  1. The  Real  Property  Gains  Tax  (RPGT)  on  properties  disposed  within  the holding period of up to three years is raised to 30%, whereas for disposal within the holding period up to four and five years, the rates are increased to 20% and 15%, respectively. For disposals made in the sixth and subsequent years,  no  RPGT  is imposed on  citizens,  whereas companies  are  taxed  at 5%.
  2. For  non-citizens,  a  30%  RPGT  is  imposed  on  the  gains  from  properties disposed within the holding period of up to five years, and for disposals in the sixth and subsequent years, a 5% RPGT is imposed. The new tax regime (1 & 2) will be effective from 1 Jan 2014.
  3. Raising  the  floor  price  of  properties  for  foreign  buyers  to  MYR1m  from MYR500k.
  4. Removal  of  Developer  Interest  Bearing  Scheme  (DIBS).  Financial institutions are prohibited from providing final funding for proje cts involved in the DIBS scheme.
  5. To increase  transparency in property sales prices, whereby detailed sales prices including all benefits and incentives will have to be displayed.
  6. Introduction of Private Affordable Ownership Housing Scheme (MyHome) to encourage private sector to build more low-  and medium-cost houses. The scheme provides a subsidy of MYR30k to the private developers for each unit built. Among the criteria for the scheme are:
  • Build at least 20% low-cost houses and 20% medium-cost houses in a housing project
  • The  maximum  price  of  low-cost  houses  is  MYR45k  and  medium-cost houses is MYR170k
  • First-time  buyers  with  a  monthly  household  income   of  MYR3k  are eligible  for  low-cost  houses,  whereas  those  with  a  maximum  monthly household income of MYR6k are eligible for medium-cost houses.
Still bearable for locals.  While some measures were within our expectations, such as  an  increase  in  RPGT  for  the  locals,  higher  floor  price  for  foreigners  and  the removal  of  the  DIBS,  one  new  measure  was  rather  unexpected  –  the  significant
RPGT imposed on foreign buyers. Compared to previous  budgets, Budget  2014 has the  most  punitive  combination  of  measures  for  the  property  sector  as  the Government  strives  to  keep  speculation  in  check,  targeting  both  local  and  foreign buyers  alike.  This  is  also  part  of  the  Government’s  efforts  to  contain  the  rising household  leverage  in  Malaysia.  Such  measures  will  help  ensure  the  long-term healthy growth of the property industry.

The 30% tax rate on local property owners has been extended  for another year, ie disposal within three years vs.  two years previously  (from 2004 to 2007).  Among all the measures,  we believe  the  impact of  a  higher RPGT  on  local property owners is
relatively mild. This is because  most of the new properties will take  2-3 years to be completed, and hence sellers will be subject to  a  lower gain tax bracket in year 4, which is at 20% under the new regime  (vs.  30% in year 1-3),  double  the previous 10% tax rate under the old regime. Historically, when RPGT was imposed, the house price index (HPI)  typically  declined for 2-3 quarters  before a rebound was seen. We expect the same trend to take place this time round.
Iskandar the hardest hit

The  30%  RPGT  for  foreigners  for  disposals  within  the  first  five  years  will  wipe  out short-term foreign speculators to a certain extent, as the holding period of a minimum of  five  years  will  drive  them  away,  in  our  view.  The  higher  floor  price  is  another deterrent  for  foreign  buyers  in  Iskandar,  particularly  for  investment/speculative purposes.  Developers  with  high  exposure  to  the  Iskandar  region  will  be  the  most adversely affected as the area has gained significant traction among foreigners over the  past  1-2  years,  especially  among  Singaporeans  due  to  the  strong  SGD. According  to  CBRE,  foreign  purchasers  accounted  for  54%  of  total  high-rise residential  sales  (sales by  developers)  in  Nusajaya,  and 39%  in JB city  and major suburbs.  Property  prices  have  also  risen  sharply,  with  the  pricing  of  some  new launches  already  matching  those  of  KL  city  centre  condominiums.  Medini,  in particular, which has no  Bumioutra  quota  (although no minimum price restriction for
foreigners), will likely see a knee-jerk slowdown  in property sales over the near  term,
as the market is now less lucrative compared to  before.  While there is still  demand for  some  attractive  projects,  compared  to  a  simple  buying  decision  previously, potential foreign buyers will now have to think twice before  purchasing properties in Malaysia.  Based  on  official  data,  Johor  residential  and  commercial  property transactions  historically made up 10-12% of the total transaction volume in Malaysia.
Although the percentage is higher for Selangor (ie 25-28%), the transaction volume in the Klang Valley is largely made up of Malaysian buyers . Therefore, we are  not too concerned on developers that concentrate in KL and Selangor.

As a result of the RPGT hike, and hence potentially higher land holding costs,  land transactions  in  Iskandar,  especially  from  overseas  developers,  may  slow  down  as property sales will likely languish over the next six months. Given such a situation, we
are now uncertain if the Johor state government will  still go ahead with  the  proposedm 4-5% processing fee that will be imposed on foreigners, as the  impact of the  30% RPGT is already detrimental.

Developers  which  have  exposure  to  Iskandar  include  UEM  Sunrise,  Sunway,  SP Setia, Mah Sing, KSL, and to some extent, IJM Land and E&O.
Penang mainland still healthy
Penang  island  will  see  some  impact,  although  this  will  likely  be  less  significant compared to Iskandar. The number  of foreign buyers in Penang island is not large in our  view,  and  they  are  mainly  concentrated  in  Seri  Tanjung  Pinang  and  Batu
Ferringhi. In addition,  the impact of the higher floor price on foreigners is negligible in Penang island, as the Penang state government had earlier raised the floor price to MYR1m for high-rise and MYR2m for landed properties.

Penang mainland, on the other hand, will still see healthy growth, as  local property demand is largely driven by genuine buyers for owner occupancy.  Property prices are still  relatively  decent.  Employment  opportunities  created  by  both  foreign  and  local
MNCs at Batu Kawan and Seberang Prai are key to  support business activities and population expansion.  The opening of the Penang Second Bridge  in early 2014  will still  be  a  major  catalyst  for  mainland  properties.  Just  recently,  an  Italy-based  car
component maker Magneti Marelli has launched a new plant in Batu Kawan, which will create a workforce of 1,000 people. Besides this, Ibiden, Boon Siew Honda, VAT, Malaysia Automotive Lighting, Haemonetics Corporation are among the local/foreign
players which have committed their investments, and some have started running their new operations. Note also that, the global furniture maker  IKEA has been looking to open an outlet on the mainland. Positive news flow will likely continue.

No more DIBS
This measure  was expected. We believe most developers are well prepared for the removal  of  DIBS  and  will  most  likely  launch  some  new  schemes  or  incentives  to circumvent this. On the ground, we understand that some developers have already
introduced  new  incentives  for  buyers  with  the  introduction  of  “DISS”  (Developer Interest  Subsidy  Scheme),  whereby  developers  will  reimburse  the  buyers  an equivalent amount every month after buyers repay their installments to the banks.
To recap, the DIBS has been widely used by developers since the subprime crisis in 2009 to revive demand for properties. Lower upfront  entry cost is offered to buyers with only a 5% downpayment and 95% margin financing. Interest is absorbed by the
developers, and buyers do not have to pay loan installments during the period that the  property  is  under construction.  Not  many  developers under our coverage  have excessive exposure to this scheme currently,  as they have gradually withdrawn the scheme  from  some  better  selling  projects  over  the  last  1-2  years.  Currently,  most developers only offer DIBS for the slow-moving projects, mainly concentrating on the high-rise residential segment. Property price growth in the primary ma rket could see a temporary slowdown as developers can no longer mark up their selling prices  too aggressively.

Although  impact  from  this  measure  alone  would  be  minimal,  we  believe  the cumulative  impact  from  all  the  measures  imposed  will  have  an  overall  negative impact on  the sector.  Among the companies under our coverage, we see IJM Land
and  Tambun  Indah  having  the  least  risk exposure
.  Sunway,  UOAD,  UEM  Sunrise, Mah Sing and E&O, on the other hand, have higher percentage of projects that come with the DIBS.
Impact of GST
In  normal circumstances, the net impact of GST will drive up property prices. While some believe that it would lead to buyers flocking to purchase properties  in  the near term  (from  now  to  March  2015  until  the  GST  starts),  we  believe  the  demand  will ultimately depend on affordability. Given all the measures  tabled  in Budget 2014, we expect property prices to continue its current consolidation trend.

Maintain NEUTRAL
Investor  sentiment  will  be  hit.  The  cumulative  impact  will  be  painful  for  property developers  in  the near term, and it will likely take about  3-6 months for the market to adjust itself.  Although  the sector valuations have factored in the policy risk to some extent, we believe  there is still  downside  to  valuations for some stocks, particularly those that are highly exposed to the Iskandar region and have high foreig n  property buying  content.  All  these  measures  are  expected  to  create  some  uncertainties  for most developers in  launching  their projects  already in the pipeline.  Developers that rely more on local buyers will fare better.  The silver lining will be developers which concentrate on affordable housing segment, such as Tambun Indah, Matrix Concepts and Hua Yang. In maintaining our 4Q13 view, we keep our  NEUTRAL stance on the sector.  We  are  selective  in  our  stock  picks.  We  continue  to  like  IJM  Land  and Tambun  Indah  given  their  solid  fundamentals  and  minimal  exposure  to  foreign purchasers.  Note  that,  IJM  Land’s  The  Light  Phase  1  is  only  left  with  the  final Collection  IV  series  and  hence  will  not  be  an issue  for  the  company.  Although  we retain  our  NEUTRAL  rating  on  UEM  Sunrise,  E&O  is kept  at  Trading  BUY,  largely because of the catalyst of upcoming approval for its Seri Tanjung Pinang 2 project, and we reiterate our view that, the stock is an attractive takeover target.
Source: RHB

Saturday, October 26, 2013

预算案回响】国人购屋等等看 短期投资者急脱手













预算案打房 产业股输家











MIDF 研究维持对产业领域的中和看法。首选股是IJM置地(IJMLand,5215,主板产业股)及高美达(Glomac,5020,主板产业股),因为,有 地产业及可负担产业仍会获得良好的需求。分析员也打算将专注高档产业的依恩奥(E&O,3417,主板产业股)及UEM阳光 (UEMS,5148,主板产业股)的评级调降至中和。


Friday, October 25, 2013

马来西亚2014年财政预算案简要 简单易懂 必定读懂

  1. 加强经济活动
  2. 巩固财政管理
  3. 加强人力资本
  4. 加强城乡发展
  5. 人民生活和谐
举例2014年国家M收入RM100,但开销是RM120,财政赤字为 –RM20
  1. 遗传
  2. 精神因素
  3. 肥胖
  4. 营养过剩人群
  5. 感染
  6. 多次妊娠也会使遗传基因转弱从而诱发糖尿病
Source: leinvest

CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust - Healthy rental reversion of 6.5% BUY

We reaffirm our BUY recommendation on CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMMT), with an unchanged fair value of RM2.15/unit, derived from our DCF-based valuation.
- CMMT recorded distribution income of RM40mil (+4% QoQ, +6% YoY) in 3QFY13, bringing 9MFY13 to RM117mil (+4% YoY). This came in line with our and consensus’ estimates of 75% and 74% respectively.
- The results were driven by positive rental reversion of 6.5%, mainly contributed by Gurney Plaza (+7.9%), The Mines (+10.3%) and East Coast Mall (+18.9%), offsetting the slide in rental reversion for Sungei Wang Plaza (-3%) as shopper traffic were affected by refurbishment works and MRT downtime.
- Nevertheless, refurbishment works for Sungei Wang Plaza are coming to a tail-end, with an expected completion by year-end. While the MRT downtime may result in a flat rental growth, CMMT is ideally positioned as a long-term beneficiary of the upcoming Bukit Bintang Central MRT station.
- Business is proceeding as usual at East Coast Mall (attaining the highest rental reversion) despite ongoing asset enhancement initiatives since April, i.e. reconfiguration of existing areas and conversion of some car park bays on third floor into retail space. We see further upside in rental upon completion in 4QFY14F, given the low rental base (RM5+psf) and demand for retail space.
- Portfolio occupancy remained strong at 99%. Only 4.2% of the leases are left for renewal this year. FY14F will see a strong 44% of leases due for renewal.
- Gearing remains comfortable at 28%. Average cost of debt stands at 4.3% vs. 4.7% in 2QFY13.
- All in all, our EPU estimates are unchanged, with the assumption that Queensbay Mall will be injected next year.
- A potential acquisition could be in the making given that:- (1) Right of first refusal on Queensbay Mall from its sponsor; we think that the mall is already a ready and yield-accretive asset; and (2) CMMT is awarded a letter of intent to explore the possibility of acquiring Tropicana City Mall and its office building.
- We continue to believe that CMMT has a first mover acquisition advantage, in which the group will be the first to embark on acquisition compared to the other retail REITs.
Source: AmeSecurities

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pantech Group Holdings - 2H14 Earnings To Accelerate

Actual vs. Expectations  Pantech Group Holdings Bhd (PANTECH)’s 2Q14 net profit of RM15.3m brought its 1H14 net profit to RM29.1m which is largely within expectations, accounting for 44.0% and 44.5% of our (RM66.1m) and the consensus (RM65.3m) full year estimates, respectively.
 We believe PANTECH is still on-track to meet our full-year forecast on earnings acceleration in the 2H14 on the back of continued improvement in its stainless steel division.
Dividends  A NDPS of 1.2 sen was declared, bringing the 1H14 NDPS to 2.4 sen and accounted for 45.3% of our full-year NDPS expectation of 5.3 sen.
Key Results Highlights  QoQ, 2Q14 revenue was lower at RM153.8m compared to RM162.3m in 1Q14 mainly due to weaker products demand from the trading division. However, net profit in 2Q14 increased by 11.0% due to: (i) increase in manufacturing output to satisfy the increase in the local and export sales demand, and (ii) better margin from the manufacturing division due to increase in niche products sales.
 YoY, despite a 6.3% decrease in revenue, net profit was up by 7.0% mainly due to better margin from the stainless steel division which offset the weaker trading division’s performance.
 YTD, PANTECH registered a higher revenue of RM316.1m (+2.2%) and net profit of RM29.1m (+8.6%) mainly due to better contribution from manufacturing division as mentioned above.
Outlook  The trading and manufacturing divisions will continue to be buoyed by: (i) rising project flows from the regional oil and gas sector and (ii) contributions from new markets with its recent acquisition of Nautic Steels in the UK.
 Management guides that it will contest the US anti-dumping suit on its stainless steel division, and hopes to get a resolution by 1QCY14. As an alternative strategy, PANTECH is actively looking to shift production to higher-end stainless steel fittings production (which is not subject to such anti-dumping laws and have higher margins than stainless steel pipes); and is actively exploring other potential export markets such as South America and European countries.
 Management does not rule out any further M&As as growth catalysts.
Change to Forecasts  Although the 1H14 NDPS is lower than envisaged, we are maintaining our forecasts on an expectation of higher payout in subsequent quarters.
 As the results were within expectations, we are maintaining our FY14 and FY15 projections.
Rating Maintain OUTPERFORM
Valuation  We maintain our target price of RM1.28 based on unchanged CY14 target PER of 12x.
 Our current target PER is close to the +2.0 standard deviation level of 11.7x as we firmly believe PANTECH still has more upside potential buoyed by (i) its entry into new markets (Pertamina and UK), and (ii) further contract flows given the current boom in the oil and gas sector, which is similar to the 2007-2008 boom.
Risks to Our Call  i) Sudden downturn in the oil and gas sector and (ii) significant swings in raw material costs could lead to lower operating margins.

Invert, always Invert. 5 Inverted Questions for Maximum Investing Succes

My left fist is clenched at the back of my neck.
My right hand is holding a pen like a dagger and my jaw muscles are tight and sticking out.
That was me trying to work difficult math problems back in school. If somebody, anybody, had introduced me to Carl Jacobi, it would have saved me a lot of heartache.
Who is Carl Jacobi anyways?
None other than the German 19th century mathematician all-star. Unlike me, when Jacobi encountered difficult problems, he was fond of saying;
Invert, always invert.
Sound familiar? Yes. Charlie Munger took the lesson from Jacobi and introduced it to value investors.
While math problems are less of an issue in investing, the multi-disciplinary approach is highly relevant and useful.
Investing is full of variables and problems that leave me dumbfounded.
So what should a guy like me do?
Invert, always invert.

Common “Verted” Questions

One of the most common things you do when you approach a stock is to estimate intrinsic value in the long run.
How much is it worth?
How much will I make?
How long will it take?
Categorize these questions as forward looking.
If the growth prospects are there, or if it looks like the next big thing, these questions help you jump on the bandwagon.
E.g. it’s easy to join the mad dash with the hottest thing like the Social Media ETF (SOCL). After all, the internet is only going to grow as more devices are used by people to be constantly connected.
But with every investment there are two sides to the story, and the other side is what Jacobi and Munger want you to think about.

Invert, Always Invert. 5 Inverted Investing Questions

The purpose of investing is to make money. To make money, there are two main ways.
  1. “Risk equals reward” style of investing
  2. Conservative style by focusing on not losing money
Warren Buffett chooses the second option.
Rule No. 1: Never Lose Money.
Rule No. 2: Never Forget Rule No. 1.
Unless you and I are trained, the most common way to think is the first option. However, to get to Buffett’s playing field, it takes lots of trial and error to get from “how much can I make?” to “how do I not lose money?”.
Same destination. Different road taken.
Here are the top 5 inverted questions I like to ask myself when looking at stocks. It helps me break up the mindset of trying to find bullish reasons.
  • How can I lose money? vs How can I make money?
  • What is this stock NOT worth? vs What is this stock going to be worth?
  • What can go wrong? vs What growth drivers are there?
  • What is the market implied discount rate? vs What is a fair discount rate?
  • What is market implied growth rate? vs What is the future growth rate?
and a bonus question.
  • If this drops 50% today, will I buy more? vs When will I sell?
Thank you Charlie Munger for teaching me to “Invert, always invert”. I just wish you introduced Jacobi to me back in high school
What about you? What inverted questions do you ask yourself?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

爱可思产托 第3季净利涨90%


TA ANN HOLDINGS BERHAD - Banking On Plantations

We initiate coverage on Ta Ann Holdings (Ta Ann) with an Outperform call and SOP-derived target price of RM4.10. Though the timber business is not doing exceptionally well at this juncture, we believe Ta Ann is on the verge of becoming a mid-sized plantation company given the sizeable landbank that it owns. Banking on its continuous new planting efforts in recent years, we think Ta Ann is going to reap the gains in the coming years judging by its strong FFB production growth. In addition, we expect CPO prices to rebound to the average of RM2,550/mt after being depressed at current levels for nearly two years.
From timber to oil palm. Ta Ann was founded in 1985 by a group of Sarawak business people. The company started timber extraction from a timber concession area in Kapit and eventually went into downstream processing after the imposition of a 40% (now 50%) export quota by the state government in 1988. Today, timber is not the only core business for the company, having diversified into re-forestation and oil palm plantations as well. The company holds six timber concessions with a total area of 435,256ha. It also has 97,855ha for oil palm plantations and 313,078ha of forest plantations in Sarawak.
Forecasting double-digit earnings growth even with current unattractive palm oil prices and hiccups in timber segment. Though FY13 group earnings are expected to be weaker, we are more positive on the FY14 outlook, fuelled by improved earnings from its palm oil operations despite continuous losses in the plywood segment. As the company is in the process of restructuring its Australian veneer operation, we expect losses from this particular area to narrower in the future, starting 2H FY14.
Risk factors include rising log prices which is negative for plywood margins, fuel cost and labour cost. Abnormally lengthy rainy season and strengthening of ringgit currency against USD will also be disadvantageous for Ta Ann’s timber’s business. Other key threats to demand and Ta Ann’s plywood product prices include Japanese economic growth and trade policies in other wood-supplying countries.
Source: PublicInvest Research - 22 Oct 2013

Engtex eyes 20% of water pipe replacement market

Ductile water pipe manufacturer Engtex Group Bhd is eyeing 20% of the replacement and new markets in the country's estimated RM5bn waterpipe in the industry. Engtex Group managing director Datuk Ng Hook said it is no secret the water distribution infrastructure has reached a "red flag" level. "Non-revenue water, due mainly to leakage, averaged 37% in 2011, with some states recording even more than 50%, such as Pahang, Sabah, Perlis and Kelantan. " In fact, almost half of the water service complaints were largely due to burst pipes and leakage," he told. (The Edge)

Saturday, October 19, 2013



债台高利率涨 泡沫恐破裂


独立遗产大楼将会是东南亚最高的大楼。 根据摩天楼指数(Skyscraper Index),一项观察商业循环周期及摩天楼建筑互动关系的指标,当经济周期来到最高点,兴建摩天楼的投资也将达到顶峰,接着下来,可能就是经济衰退的到来。

















